
台北偶戲館門票- 網上預訂最佳選擇

#台北偶戲館# 偶戲表演# 傳統藝術# 文化體驗# 台灣旅遊# 藝術表演# 台北景點# 台灣傳統文化




布袋戲體驗式英文導覽與魁儡戲表演介紹 Potehi, Taiwanese Hand-Glove puppetry, is considered one of the most symbolic performing arts of Taiwan. Visitors may even see the PILI Potehi puppets at Taoyuan Airport. It was originally brought to Taiwan around the 17th century by various Potehi puppeteers from Southeat China. With the changes of Taiwan's society, Potehi also developed different genres in terms of the performance space, plots, effects, size and style of the puppets... Puppetry Art Center of Taipei , with the donations from the puppetry scholar Dr. Lin Chin-Fu, became the only puppet museum in Taipei. Join us in this brief yet fascinating journey to explore Potehi culture of Taiwan! You will be introduced the history of Potehi in Taiwan and the basic tricks to perform Potehi.
  • The only puppet show-themed museum in Taipei City
  • Each person has one puppet and a professional guide guides the puppet show
  • The traditional colorful building is your stage
  • English-speaking guide allows international friends to experience the authentic Taiwanese taste
  • The only puppet show-themed museum in Taipei City
  • Each person has one puppet and a professional guide guides the puppet show
  • The traditional colorful building is your stage
  • English-speaking guide allows international friends to experience the authentic Taiwanese taste

    🤝🏻 商戶招募中拓展商機,探索潛在客源