參加 Under Down Under 的 Famous 5 之旅,體驗塔斯馬尼亞的終極冒險。這個備受追捧的旅程將帶您對塔斯馬尼亞未受破壞的荒野進行一次難忘的探索。從原始的西海岸開始,您將沉浸在美麗的瀑布、茂密的雨林和迷人的野生動物中。當您冒險穿越搖籃山的高山奇觀並目睹其令人驚嘆的風景時,準備好迎接激動人心的轉變。接下來,盡情享受東海岸火焰灣和酒杯灣令人驚嘆的白色沙灘。本次旅行採用經過生態認證的方法並註重主動探索,在國家公園提供各種精彩的短途步行,適合所有健身水平。在 Famous 5 之旅中探索塔斯馬尼亞最好的自然奇觀並創造終生難忘的回憶。
Discover the enchanting beauty of Russell Falls, Mt. Field National Park, and serene Lake St. Clair
Embark on an exhilarating adventure across the Henty Dunes, Tarkine Rainforest, and the captivating town of Strahan
Immerse yourself in the majestic allure of Cradle Mountain, the artistic town of Sheffield, and the scenic Launceston
Indulge in the pristine beaches and vibrant coastal landscapes of the Bay of Fires, St. Helens, and Bicheno
Experience the natural wonders of Freycinet National Park, with its iconic Wineglass Bay and breathtaking Cape Tourville
Join an Advanced Eco-Certified Tour, ensuring a sustainable and responsible exploration of Tasmania's natural treasures