- Manohara Borobudur 的招牌活動是在 Dagi Hill 享用野餐式早餐,同時欣賞婆羅浮屠寺的景色。您可以在松樹蔭下放鬆身心,一邊享用馬諾原典型的早餐菜單,一邊欣賞世界遺產(婆羅浮屠寺)的清晰景色,感受早晨的涼爽。
Watch the breathtaking sunrise as you explore the stunning Dagi Hill,Explore the captivating Borobudur Temple and get lost in its grandeur,Discover Majestic Prambanan Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Indonesia,Witness the exquisite architecture of Prambanan Temple & Borobudur Temple and learn about its history