忠泰美術館《文明:當代生活啟示錄 Civilization: The Way We Live Now》


#現代藝術# 攝影展覽# 文明探索# 當代生活# 藝術展示# 視覺藝術# 創意表現# 現代社會# 藝術觀察# 文化對話





展覽簡介 攝影,作為一種當代之眼,凝視著我們的人類文明,也給予我們一種當代生活的重要啟示。

在全球化的世界,人類正處於一個快速發展的時代,文明也以一種不可思議的力量進化、擴張和變異,影像的傳播與發展正無遠弗屆地流竄於生活的每個角落,當代文明與流轉快速的攝影,以前所未有的緊密度貼近著我們當代社會的每個面向。如蘇珊‧桑塔格(Susan Sontag)於《論攝影》“On Photography ”所述:「攝影本身無法解釋任何事情,但卻是無窮無盡的演繹、推測和幻想的邀請。」


Photography, a manifestation of contemporary eyes, not only gazes at our civilization but also greatly illuminates our contemporary life.

Humankind is in an era of rapid progress, and human civilization is evolving, expanding, and mutating with an unimaginable force in this globalized world. The development and spread of images have rendered them part of our quotidian existence. Today, human civilization has fused with the fast-evolving photography in an indivisible fashion and with an unprecedented degree of closeness to every dimension of our contemporary society. “Photographs, which cannot themselves explain anything, are inexhaustible invitations to deduction, speculation, and fantasy,” Susan Sontag wrote so in her seminal book “On Photography ”.

This exhibition has been co-produced by the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography, Minneapolis/New York/Paris/Lausanne, and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Korea in collaboration with the Jut Art Museum, Taipei. The Jut Art Museum, as the first museum in Taiwan focusing on issues about “future,” seeks to comprehensively explore human civilization through this exhibition that brings together works by artists around the world. We also expect this exhibition to stimulate the visitors to contemplate the future of human life and the world, and how our contemporary civilization will be presented in the foreseeable future.

  • 忠泰美術館FB:https://www.facebook.com/JUTARTMUSEUM
  • 忠泰美術館IG:https://www.instagram.com/jutartmuseum/
  • 忠泰美術館官網:http://jam.jutfoundation.org.tw/

  • 地址:臺北市大安區市民大道三段178號
  • 詳情請查看[地圖](https://maps.app.goo.gl/MYXbEGFDuPJvkqZE6)
  • 美術館無提供停車服務,週邊停車資訊請參考忠泰美術館官網

    衛星展區|NOKE 忠泰樂生活 3F Uncanny
  • 地址:臺北市中山區樂群三路200號3樓
  • 詳情請查看[地圖](https://maps.app.goo.gl/VXQsHBuoHngvr4CZA)
  • Klook 獨家販售
  • 雙展區聯票(含忠泰美術館及 Uncanny 入場憑證各一張):售價 160 元
  • 其餘單展區全票、優待票、免票...等皆須現場購票並驗證身分


    Main Venue|Jut Art Museum (No.178, Sec. 3, Civic Blvd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan)
  • 展期|2024.03.16(六)- 2024.06.30(日) Date|2024.03.16 SAT - 2024.06.30 SUN
  • 開放時間|週二至週日 10:00-18:00(週一休館) Opening Hours|TUE-SUN 10:00-18:00 (Closed on Mondays)
  • 最後入場時間|17:30 Last Entry Time|17:30
  • 週三學生日|每週三憑學生證可當日單次免費參觀 Student Day|Free Admission once on WED (With valid student ID)
  • 參觀資訊|聯票 160元、全票 150 元、優待票 120 元(學生、65 歲以上長者、10人 以上團體);身心障礙者與其陪同者一名、12 歲以下兒童免票(優待票及免票須出示相關證件) Admission|Combo Tickets TWD 160, General TWD 150, Concessions TWD 120 (Student, seniors aged 65 and above, and groups of 10 or more) Free Admission for the disabled and a companion, children aged 12 and under (Concessions or Free Admission upon presentation of valid proof)

    衛星展區|NOKE忠泰樂生活 3F Uncanny (臺北市中山區樂群三路200號3樓)

    Satellite Venue|NOKE 3F Uncanny (No. 200, Lequn 3rd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104053, Taiwan)
  • 展期|2024.05.18(六)- 2024.06.30(日) Date: 2024.05.18 SAT - 2024.06.30 SUN
  • 開放時間| 週日至週四 11:00-21:30、週五至週六 11:00-22:00 Opening Hours|SUN-THU 11:00-21:30, FRI-SAT 11:00-22:00
  • 最後入場時間|營業結束前半小時 Last Entry Time|Half an hour before closing
  • 參觀資訊|聯票 160元、全票 50 元(身心障礙者與其陪同者一名、12 歲以下兒童免票,免票須出示相關證件) Admission|Combo Tickets TWD 160, General TWD 50 (Free Admission for the disabled and a companion, children aged 12 and under with valid identification)

    忠泰美術館《文明:當代生活啟示錄 Civilization: The Way We Live Now》
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