雅典卫城博物馆门票 & 雅典市区观光
雅典卫城博物馆门票 & 雅典市区观光
雅典卫城博物馆门票 & 雅典市区观光
雅典卫城博物馆门票 & 雅典市区观光

雅典卫城博物馆门票 & 雅典市区观光

从雅典卫城到奥莫尼亚广场,半日观光和卫城博物馆之旅在全面的上午行程中涵盖了古代和现代雅典的所有主要景点。经过无名烈士墓、希腊议会和总统府等热门景点时,享受导游的富有洞察力的解说。这次旅行非常适合初次游客,可以完美地概览这座城市。在大理石帕纳辛奈科体育场拍照留念,开始您的碳中和之旅,这里是1896 年第一届现代奥运会的举办地。部曲:雅典大学、雅典学院和国家图书馆。经过国家花园、哈德良拱门、圣保罗教堂和宪法广场等地标建筑。造访雅典卫城,探索山门、帕德嫩神殿、雅典娜胜利神殿和伊瑞克提翁神殿
See ancient and modern Athens' top attractions with insightful guide commentary, perfect for first-time visitors,Photo stop at the historic marble stadium, site of the first modern Olympics in 1896,Pass by the University of Athens, Academy of Athens, and National Library, showcasing classical architecture,Explore iconic sites like Propylaea, Parthenon, Temple of Athena Nike, and Erechtheion with detailed historical insights,Skip-the-line access to artifacts, Caryatids, and Parthenon sculptures, offering a deep dive into ancient history,Stroll by Herodion and Dionysos Theater, enjoying scenic views on the way to the Acropolis Museum


雅典卫城博物馆门票 & 雅典市区观光
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