彩色峡谷 & 蓝洞 & 达哈布之旅(沙姆沙伊赫出发)
彩色峡谷 & 蓝洞 & 达哈布之旅(沙姆沙伊赫出发)
彩色峡谷 & 蓝洞 & 达哈布之旅(沙姆沙伊赫出发)
彩色峡谷 & 蓝洞 & 达哈布之旅(沙姆沙伊赫出发)


#彩色峡谷# 蓝洞# 达哈布之旅# 沙姆沙伊赫# 旅游# 冒险# 自然景观# 海洋探险# 旅行体验
  • Be amazed of the natural formations of rock walls of the Colored Canyon, a promise of picturesque views
  • Snorkel in the cleat blue waters of Blue Hole to discover the majestic underwater world
  • Experience a day like a local of Egypt when served with BBQ lunch in a Bedouin tent
  • Visit the coastal town of Dahab, the quint city to end a perfect day out in Sinai

    彩色峡谷 & 蓝洞 & 达哈布之旅(沙姆沙伊赫出发)
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