Hey Decoupage树脂工艺品工作坊
Hey Decoupage树脂工艺品工作坊
Hey Decoupage树脂工艺品工作坊
Hey Decoupage树脂工艺品工作坊

"JB Hey Decoupage树脂工艺品工作坊 | Jesmonite工艺课程,DIY体验,艺术手工艺课程,新山旅行必做之事"

#手工艺品# 创意工作坊# 艺术创作# DIY# 手工艺教学# 创意手工# 艺术工作室# 手工艺课程# 创意设计
  • 友好导师的指导:无论您是新手还是经验丰富的艺术家,我们友好的导师都会在整个制作过程中为您提供指导和支持。
  • 最佳个性化:创建您自己的水磨石或大理石系列产品。有多种颜色可供选择,让您的想象力尽情发挥!
  • 多种制作选择:从各种物品中进行选择,例如杯垫、托盘或盆子。最好的部分?您可以在同一天将成品带回家。
  • 等待期间的乐趣:在等待作品干燥时,尽情享受我们收集的免费棋盘游戏。
  • 提神补充水分:享受免费饮料,让自己保持精神焕发。
  • Join Johor Bahru’s First Jesmonite Workshop at the only Jesmonite x Art Jamming Space!,,Discover the beauty of eco-friendly Jesmonite at Hey Découpage. The workshops focus on educating and raising awareness about this remarkable material while equipping you with essential skills and techniques to create stunning products that you can use at home. In just under 2 hours, you will craft a unique piece that reflects your style - no baking or firing needed!,,Join them for an unforgettable experience with your friends and family as the friendly instructors guide you through the creative process. Book a class today and take home your handcrafted masterpiece.


    Hey Decoupage树脂工艺品工作坊
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