都柏林“Jameson Distillery Bow St.”威士忌品酒之旅
都柏林“Jameson Distillery Bow St.”威士忌品酒之旅
都柏林“Jameson Distillery Bow St.”威士忌品酒之旅
都柏林“Jameson Distillery Bow St.”威士忌品酒之旅

"都柏林詹姆森酿酒厂弓街威士忌品鉴之旅: 品味爱尔兰威士忌的绝佳选择"

#爱尔兰# 威士忌# 都柏林# Jameson# 品酒# 旅行
在詹姆森威士忌酿酒厂的导游带领下探索约翰詹姆森的故事和他的威士忌酿造之旅。了解啤酒厂的历史以及这款全球喜爱的威士忌的演变。在都柏林弓街詹姆森酿酒厂探索三种独特的体验:一种是在弓街,另一种是关于威士忌酿酒师的,第三种是关于制作威士忌鸡尾酒的。在原来的酿酒厂建筑中触摸、闻闻和品尝詹姆森,调动您的感官。参观现场熟成仓库,了解威士忌酿造过程,品尝直接从桶中取出的味道。在 JJ 酒吧以一杯招牌詹姆森鸡尾酒结束您的旅程,或者选择一瓶个性化的威士忌作为珍贵的纪念品。
Immerse yourself in the rich history of Jameson, learning about its founder John Jameson and the evolution of this iconic whiskey,Explore engaging exhibits that showcase the whiskey-making process, featuring interactive displays and informative presentations,Visit the live maturation warehouse to witness the various stages of whiskey creation and savor a tasting straight from the barrel,Enjoy a guided tasting session, where friendly staff enlighten your palate with the distinct flavors of Jameson whiskey,Relax at the JJ Bar, where skilled mixologists craft signature Jameson cocktails, adding a delightful touch to your distillery journey,Receive a Jameson Whiskey Tasting Certificate, a keepsake to proudly showcase your newfound whiskey appreciation


都柏林“Jameson Distillery Bow St.”威士忌品酒之旅
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