JEANS MATE有深夜营业的店铺,让您不用担心时间,可以尽情享受购物的乐趣。 JEANS MATE 提供一系列高品质且价格实惠的二手奢侈品,包括 LOUIS VUITTON、HERMES、CHANEL、GUCCI、PRADA 等。您甚至可能会发现稀有物品和独特的收藏品
JEANS MATE offers a wide selection of national brands
It carries various popular brands such as BEN DAVIS, CHAMPION, CONVERSE, EDWIN, FILA, HANES, LEVI'S, OUTDOOR PRODUCTS, and more, so you can find the perfect products that match your preferences
With the use of a coupon, you can purchase new clothes at a 5% discount
With the use of a coupon, you can purchase used jewelry accessories at a 5% discount. (Excluding Kihei accessories)