岘港瀚江夜间游船之旅(7STARS Cruise 提供)
岘港瀚江夜间游船之旅(7STARS Cruise 提供)
岘港瀚江夜间游船之旅(7STARS Cruise 提供)
岘港瀚江夜间游船之旅(7STARS Cruise 提供)

岘港瀚江夜间游船之旅(7STARS Cruise 提供)- 体验岘港夜生活的绝佳选择

#岘港# 瀚江# 夜间游船# 7STARS Cruise# 旅行体验# 景点游览# 水上活动# 夜景观赏# 豪华游船# 旅游套餐
当您参加横跨汉江的游船时,与您的家人和朋友在岘港度过一个美好的夜晚!搭乘干净舒适的 7STARS Cruise 游轮,享受 45 分钟穿越岘港水域的旅程。带上您最喜欢的相机,准备好在旅途中参观众多景点吧!看看爱情桥的发光心,惊叹于雄伟的鲤鱼龙雕像,并捕捉太阳轮的充满活力的灯光!除了旅途中令人难以置信的景点外,您的耳朵还将聆听一些当地音乐来完善您的体验。旅途中还将提供新鲜水果和水,让您的夜晚尽可能舒适
Have a relaxing night in Da Nang and hop on this lovely cruise across the Han River,See the city light up as you see pass by several attractions including the Sun Wheel, Love Bridge, and more!,Enjoy the accompaniment of local music being played during your cruise to make your evening more memorable,Tag a friend or a loved one along and share this one-of-a-kind night together!


岘港瀚江夜间游船之旅(7STARS Cruise 提供)
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